Provide Pain Management

Learn to safely administer pain medication in the event of an accident.


5 hours Content:

  • Overview of basic first aid provision

  • Administration of Paracetamol and Methoxyflurane and Analgesia

  • Management and monitoring of the patient

  • Information about storage and documentation

Note: Further training in the administration of Entonox is available, upon request.


Participants must be 18 years old. Participants must hold:-

  • HLTFA211A/HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support, OR
  • HLTFA311A Apply First Aid/HLTAID003 Provide first aid.


Participants must satisfactorily complete multiple written and practical assessments.


Successful participants will be awarded a Statement of Attainment for the following units of competency:

  • PUAEME005A Provide pain management

Current industry standards state that this course should be updated every three years. 

Download St John Guide


Onsite (max 18ppl)

RRP $1,320.00

AMWU $1,122.00

Public Course

RRP $85.00

AMWU $72.25